TD Beach to Beacon
Thanks to everyone who signed up to run this year’s TD B2B on behalf of Let’s Go!, a program of the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital, and childhood obesity prevention. Due to the high volume of interest, registration has closed.
Feeling inspired? You can MAKE A GIFT in support of an existing runner or register to VOLUNTEER at the event.
About the Let’s Go! Running Team: Runners don’t have to fundraise to be a part of the team – although we will probably ask at least once! Benefits of joining the running team include:
- A special Let’s Go!, BBCH, MaineHealth running shirt
- Team training runs and fun social events
- Members will enjoy a practice run w/ Joan Benoit Samuelson!
- Bragging rights, who doesn’t want to set the example that physical activity is a great way to stay healthy and happy
Who is on The Team:
- 1/3 of the running team is fundraising in order to receive a running bib
- 1/3 are employees of Let’s Go!/BBCH/MMC/MMP/MaineHealth
- 1/3 are members of the community who want to be a part of an awesome team!
Our Sponsors