Live Outside of Maine?

If you’re not from Maine but you’re interested in bringing Let’s Go! to your community, we can help. We’re developing training and technical assistance plans and hope to have these resources available in the near future. Please contact us.

In the meantime, electronic versions of our healthcare, school, child care, out of school, and workplace toolkits are available to download for free. If you would like to purchase hard copies, or other promotional material, visit our online store.

If you would like to adopt or adapt the 5-2-1-0 message, please review the FAQs below and adhere to the guidelines.

Q: Can I use the 5210 message in my community?

A: Yes! We encourage you to adopt the message or adapt it for your local needs. 

Q: Can I use Let’s Go! in my community?

A: No. Let’s Go! is a federally recognized trademark. 5-2-1-0 is not trademarked and available for use.

Q: Can I use 5210 graphics?

A: Yes! We have various 5‐2‐1‐0 graphics you can use and they are accessible for download here, simply choose a graphic and once it opens, right click and chose “Save as”. When using Let’s Go!’s 5-2-1-0 graphics, we ask that you credit Let’s Go! in the following way: “This graphic is adopted from Let’s Go!”  

5-2-1-0 Everyday horizontal, 5-2-1-0 Everyday vertical5-2-1-0 Box

Q: Can I use Let’s Go! materials, such as the resources in the toolkits?

A: Yes! Please feel free to use and distribute any of our materials. You can download and print the materials from the website for free. Materials are not for re‐sale. Materials may not be altered in any way.

Q: Can I purchase professionally printed copies of your toolkits?

A: Yes! Please visit to purchase toolkits. Materials are not for re‐sale.

Q: Can I add my logo to your materials? i.e. Can we co-brand?

A: Yes! Please feel free to add your logo to any of our existing handouts. We do not distribute original design files but high resolution PDF’s are available to download for free. You’ll need special software, such as Adobe Professional, to insert your logo. Please do not manipulate content or remove the Let’s Go! logo. Example of a co-branded Let’s Go! resource.

Q: Can I use some of the content of your handouts to create my own resources?

A: Yes! Please remove (or do not include) the Let’s Go! logo and simply credit Let’s Go! in the following way: “This resource is adapted from Let’s Go! materials.”

For further information, please call 207-662-3734.