Resources for Workplaces
Here are some additional resources for companies looking to increase healthy eating and physical activity among employees and their families:
The Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA)
Free resources include a twelve week employee walking program (Step by Step,) calendar of health observances, expert interviews, case studies and presentations.
CDC’s LEAN Works!
CDC’s LEAN Works! Leading Employees to Activity and Nutrition is a free web-based resource that offers interactive tools and evidence-based resources to design effective worksite obesity prevention and control programs, including an obesity cost calculator to estimate how much obesity is costing your company and how much savings your company could reap with different workplace interventions.
Healthy Maine Works
Healthy Maine Works is a project of the Maine CDC, Maine Office of Substance Abuse, and Maine Department of Education delivered in collaboration with local Healthy Maine Partnerships. The purpose of Healthy Maine Works is to guide and support Maine employers in developing worksite wellness programs which support the health of employees.