Authored by Emily Cooke
The preschool class of Trinity Day School in Portland, Maine set out to run a marathon this past summer! You may be saying “WHAT?!” but hold on…they worked toward their goal in 1/4 to 1/2 mile segments. Collectively, the preschoolers ran 96.25 miles this past summer!

How did they do it you ask? Well, they set aside specific days and times as “running days”. Other times some of the children chose to go for a run with their teacher as an alternative activity. Over the course of the summer, they had several guest runners come and help them warm-up ,then lead the way along the route around their center. Even Redy, the Let’s Go! mascot made a guest appearance!
The children each had their own running bib, tracked their progress over the summer, and were enthusiastic to meet their goal! It is great to see young kids enjoying physical activity and learning it is an important and fun part of every day. Way to go Trinity! The kids in your care are getting a great start to being strong and healthy for a lifetime!