Real Ideas From Real People at the School Symposium

Authored By Rick Fortier, Let’s Go! School Program Manager 

It’s a cool, crisp fall morning on Friday, October 24th, 2014 and school staff from across the state of Maine will be waking up excited to start what will be a fun and engaging day of learning. However, instead of working with students, they will be teaching and mentoring each other at Let’s Go!’s fourth 5-2-1-0 Goes to School Symposium, right in the heart of downtown Portland, ME!  On this day, we invite healthy eating and active living champions to come together and share practical skills and ideas for creating healthier schools.

What’s that new saying…“an apple a day does much more than just keep the doctor away”. The word is out; healthier students are better learners, benefiting from improved attendance, behavior, focus and academic performance. Year after year, we see more and more schools wanting to tap into the benefits of student wellness and the School Symposium allows us to deliver tried and true guidance on a larger scale. We organize free events like this to encourage collaboration and celebrate success.

So, where will you be on October 24th, 2014?  

From “Smart Snacks in Schools” to “Fun and Easy Movement Games”, the School Symposium provides a full day of professional development that’s a win/win for school wellness champions, teachers and administration. Seats are filling up fast, so don’t make the mistake of waiting to register. Click here to register TODAY!
