Let’s Go! Health Care
Introducing our 5-2-1-0 message for a healthy lifestyle is a natural fit for our obesity prevention goal and gives providers easy tools and messages to share with their patients and families.Why Healthcare?
Healthcare professionals and primary care physicians are credible sources for health and wellness messages. They also play an integral role in the health of our communities.
What We Do
We partner with primary care physicians and hospitals on childhood obesity prevention. We provide a toolkit, educational outreach, supporting materials and training on healthy eating and physical activity for physicians working with children and their families.
Primary care practices that register with us have the opportunity to be recognized as a Let’s Go! Healthcare Site of Distinction. This recognition demonstrates a practices’ commitment to the 5-2-1-0 messages and connects them to their patients who are hearing the message in their schools, child care programs, and community. To learn more, see our Sites of Distinction page.
We work with hospitals to increase breastfeeding rates of new mothers by moving through the World Health Organization’s “Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding”. We also partner with hospitals to support patients, visitors, and employees and their families in living healthy, active lives. In particular, we provide tools and resources to increase access to healthy food choices.
Interested in getting involved? Please contact us.