Authored by: Dr. Victoria Rogers, Director of Let’s Go!
We are two weeks away from our 3rd Annual Let’s Go! 5-2-1-0 National Childhood Obesity Conference and I couldn’t be more excited. Fall in Maine is a great time to host upwards of 150 healthcare professionals from across the globe. Yup, attendees are joining us from as far as Guam. And with September designated as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, it’s only fitting that we elevate the conversation and continue focusing on collaboration.
This year’s conference boast a panel of acclaimed childhood obesity experts who will discuss metabolic syndrome, the impact of health care reform, overeating vs. obesity, increasing healthy food and beverage options at schools and hospitals, and more. Local childhood obesity prevention experts will host workshops and discussions. Attendees have the opportunity to learn from and network with other change leaders, and walk away with tools and techniques they can implement in their own communities.
We’re also lucky to have Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation, American Academy of Pediatrics, Maine chapter, MaineHealth and The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital as conference partners. These partners are helping us unite passionate medical and public health professionals to discuss next steps in the fight against childhood obesity. We’ll discuss what’s working, what’s not working, and where we go from here.
Thanks again to everyone involved, I look forward to seeing you here in Portland on September 18th and 19th.
Note: This conference has come and gone! For more information about upcoming conferences, please visit