One of our favorite months of the year is here! It’s National Nutrition Month (NNM – otherwise known as March), an annual nutrition education celebration created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Much like the daily work of 5-2-1-0 Let’s Go!, NNM is focused on the importance of developing smart eating and physical activity habits. … Read more »
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Making the Most of Your Next Winter Adventure
By now we’re typically in the thick of winter, with snow as the mainstay of our daily forecast. But when there aren’t inches of powder to cover the downhill slopes, cushion the sledding hill, and provide for our backyard snowmen, what are we left to do to get our families outdoors and active? Break out… Read more »
What To Do About Winter Dehydration
Summer is typically the season associated with dehydration. With warmer weather, our bodies heat up and we sweat more visibly—and so we’re more inclined to pick up that glass of water to cool us off and quench our thirst. During cooler months, we don’t get as hot and sweat evaporates into the cold air instead… Read more »