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Country Kids Preschool makes great strides in creating a healthy eating and active living environment.

Authored by Bethany Fortier, MPHCommunity Transformation Coordinator, York District Through support from the Community Transformation Grant and Let’s Go! York County, Country Kids Preschool in Lyman has made great strides in creating an environment that promotes healthy eating and active living. Each month Casey Marcotte, Country Kids Preschools Director, makes a Preschool Newsletter and Calendar… Read more »

Let’s Go! Cumberland County Celebrates Sites Recognized for Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living

Authored by Ashley Edmondson, Let’s Go! Coordinator Communities Promoting Health Coalition, A program of The Opportunity Alliance The Let’s Go! Cumberland County team hosted their first recognition event to honor hard-working childcare, school, after-school and physician champions within their community.  This celebration brought together multiple sites from each setting to acknowledge and commend their commitment… Read more »

Making healthy choices a priority in 2014!

Authored by Adrienne GallantLet’s Go! Knox County Coordinator Have you ever felt that you just don’t have time to squeeze in one more thing to your day? Your day is full of work, kids, after school programs, sports, supper, bedtime….and the list goes on and on and on…. Just the thought of trying to find… Read more »

5-2-1-0 ¡Todos los días! (Every Day!) – Let’s Go! announces new spanish handouts for healthy eating and active living!

Authored by Emily Walters, CHES Let’s Go! is happy to announce our new set of parent handouts now available in Spanish! Thanks to our expert partners at Maine Medical Center’s Interpreter Services, our marketing firm, Garrand and funding provided by the Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation’s Growing Up Healthy Initiative, we now have 20 parent handouts… Read more »

What’s Your Screen Free Week Plan?

The week of April 29–May 5, 2013 is Screen Free Week, a week when kids and their parents turn off the TV, video games, computers, smart phones, and tablets and find healthier ways to have fun. What fun activities do you have planned? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, kids ages 8–18 now spend, on… Read more »