Posts Categorized: Childhood Obesity

Do You Know What Your Child’s Cafeteria is Serving?

Authored by: Reegan Brown Let’s Go! Program Coordinator With updated standards from the USDA, school meals across the nation are changing for the better. Cafeterias are being stocked with healthier options and teachers and school staff are playing an important role in the success of school lunch. Here’s one example of how Maine is making changes…. Read more »

The Nutrition Facts Label is Finally Getting a Facelift

 Authored by Emily Cooke, Early Childhood Program Manager, Let’s Go! Raise your hand if you are interested in eating well, or at least would like to have the information to, if you so felt the urge. Well, for those of us with our hand raised high, our lives are about to get just a little… Read more »

Gorham School District Celebrates with Physical Activity!

 Authored by Ashley Edmondson, Let’s Go! Cumberland County Coordinator Public Health Program The Opportunity Alliance Let’s Go! Cumberland County Applauds Gorham School District to Celebrate with Physical Activity! At Village, Narragansett, and Great Falls Elementary School in Gorham, Maine you will find kids smiling, laughing, and having fun at classroom celebrations – using activities that… Read more »

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Authored by Adrienne Gallant, Let’s Go! Knox County Coordinator The holidays are behind us and we are in the middle of winter here in Maine. Many of us just want to hibernate until the cold is gone and eat warm, comforting foods. Some folks make New Year resolutions to eat healthier. This can be particularly… Read more »